Over a hundred thousand Americans of all ages are killed by fentanyl each year. That number has been rapidly increasing since 1999, and now is projected to kill 200,000 Americans by the end of 2024 if something isn't done. This is where we come in. We have developed the only over the counter, FDA approved and CLIA-waived dip test that can be used in hospitals, schools, by employers, probation or correctional officers, and even at home. In many cases, a user of heroin or cocaine may not know they are actually using fentanyl until it is too late. Our test prevents the loss of life and allows parents to be aware of their child's potentially deadly problem the moment drug use is suspected. It can also save the "conscious drug user" who suspects something may not be right with the product they received.
Many heroin users will also try and circumvent their probation officers and other tests by utilizing fentanyl alone, which will provide them an opioid high without them getting caught for using as until our test, Fentanyl could not be detected without delayed lab results. Our test eliminates any cheating or circumvention of testing systems, and can be trusted to be accurate to the level of 99.9% with results within 5 minutes from the test being administered.
In many trafficking crimes, Fentanyl is used to hook an individual (including children and teenagers) into submission to being trafficked. The predators provide the fentanyl fix to keep their victim compliant. Also, fentanyl can be used on a door handle, money or anything a person touches to incapacitate and kidnap.
It is no secret that there is a major problem at our southern border. Each and every day the crisis continues, more and more illicit drugs, including fentanyl, come into the United States which is leading to more fentanyl use, lacings, and deaths. Fentanyl use is an epidemic that we hope to cure.
There are many bad actors out there that just want to inflict pain on Americans, which includes the killing of children. Because it can be easily disguised, Fentanyl is making it's way into children's candies and causing their deaths. In the event your child is sickened, our test can prevent another event within minutes.
Copyright © 2025 The Fentanyl Test, ECNALAB, LLC- All Rights Reserved.
1ng/mL harm reduction fentanyl testing.
1ng/mL fentanyl drug screening.
1ng Harm Reduction
1ng World's Best Fentanyl Test
1ng Fentanyl Test
25ng Xylazine Test
8274 Miramar Drive
San Diego, CA 92119-1344
Most Harm Reduction tests for deadly Fentanyl and Xylazine are a scam. Most display no cutoff level at all, and all but ours requires dilution of the substance. Our tests are the only on Earth to offer:
10 - 500ng/mL for FENTANYL
500 - 2000ng/mL for XYLAZINE