As low as $1.43 per test.
The Fentanyl Test offers incredible bulk discounts for those that need Harm Reduction test kits in bulk. Many of the benefits of purchasing our Harm Reduction tests include:
* SAFETY: Every first responder, law enforcement officer, corrections officer, hospital and medical staff, school teachers / SRO's, and anyone that has a higher possibility or probability of being exposed to deadly illicit fentanyl, will now be astronomically safer with our tests on their person. You'll know down to a single grain of salt if a substance or surface is positive for fentanyl, within 5 minutes.
* BUDGET: When the USA factors in deaths due to fentanyl overdoses and poionsings, they leave out one extremely important demographic: The Homeless. City and local officials are spending tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars per day on police, first responders, coroners, and morgue fees for body disposal of the homeless that perish due to illicit fentanyl. You can save your township, city and state millions of dollars per year in fees with our tests (as low as $2.00 per test) just by getting them into the hands of addicts that will utilize them to stay safe. Our tests do not require dilution of the substance and 100% of the tested substance is preserved for evidence or for use. While we'll never cure addiction, we CAN prevent overdoses and poisonings on a mass level, which also saves jurisdictions from severely bad publicity, loss of revenue due to nobody visiting the area where drug use and homelessness is high, and clean up our cities, states, and Country at a mere fraction of the costs of the fallout from illicit fentanyl.
The Fentanyl Test offers incredible bulk discounts for those that need our FDA-cleared urine dip-card test kits in bulk. Many of the benefits of purchasing our tests include:
* OVERDOSES LIMITED: When used in prisons, jails, halfway houses and by parole and probation officers, a deadly problem can be phased out in the corrections system. Addicts are probably the most creative group of people on earth. They will always find a way to beat the system to get their fix. Most addicts exiting the prison system know their parole and probation officer will not test them for fentanyl due to the time and expense involved. When testing an inmate while in jail or prison, you will have documented that a problem exists and that person can be tested regularly while incarcerated, and then while in a halfway house or on probation and parole. Many overdoses are happening because probationees and parolees are seeking out pure fentanyl as they know the likelihood of them being tested, is minimal due to the cost involved. We have now developed a test to end the costs and time involved of fentanyl testing, forever. No Longer is a lab necessary. Our FDA-clearance and 510.k waiver coupled with our 1ng/mL (a grain of salt) cutoff level test, eliminates the need for a lab and allows corrections and parole / probation officers to be in the know at all times, submit for violation hearings, and keep their wards safe from overdoses. All for as little as $1.65 per test. In the event a lab is necessary, our Over the Counter urine dip-card tests offer the lab as a backup or reference for Court.
* BUDGET: Our bulk pricing for our urine dip-card tests go as low as $1.65 per test. Any government entity can afford such, and will save millions of dollars by limiting overdoses throughout their municipality, city, and state.
Copyright © 2025 The Fentanyl Test, ECNALAB, LLC- All Rights Reserved.
1ng/mL harm reduction fentanyl testing.
1ng/mL fentanyl drug screening.
1ng Harm Reduction
1ng World's Best Fentanyl Test
1ng Fentanyl Test
25ng Xylazine Test
8274 Miramar Drive
San Diego, CA 92119-1344
Most Harm Reduction tests for deadly Fentanyl and Xylazine are a scam. Most display no cutoff level at all, and all but ours requires dilution of the substance. Our tests are the only on Earth to offer:
10 - 500ng/mL for FENTANYL
500 - 2000ng/mL for XYLAZINE